Advisory Board
The consortium has formed an external Advisory Board of experts from other medical first responder organisations and technology experts in the field of MED1stMR. The Advisory Board assists the project team by surveying its progress and by bringing in expertise through expert discussions, workshops, review of project results and discussion on project objectives. This will ensure a broader pan-European multi-cultural and multi-national dimension when developing MED1stMR.

Stijn Van Kerckhove
Stijn Van Kerckhove, BSc, MSc, CCRN, CEN (m), Government official at the Department of Urgent Aid of the Belgian Federal Public Service of Health. Stijn is a registered nurse, trained in critical and emergency care (CCRN & CEN) and holds a MSc in nursing and midwifery. He is working on different projects concerning aspects of the urgent medical aid (daily basis and mass casualty incidents) and participates in various national working groups concerning national health risks. Stijn also has a field experience as a member of a prehospital medical response team and as an emergency care nurse.

Andrea D'Angelo, BA
Andrea D’Angelo (m), BA in International Economics and LLM in Law, is an Italian expert in security and CBRN, with over ten years experience in the management and supervision of complex donor funded security projects worldwide. He oversees and provides quality control to CBRN ISF-P projects RESIST and TRANSTUN, led by SAFE. Mr. D’Angelo is the president of the Associazione SAFE. Since February 2020, he has been nominated by the Italian MoD as Technical Member of the NATO to the STO Technical Team: HFM-SET-339 on Scientific and technological trends allow for new approaches addressing CBRN challenges.

Alonso A Mateos Rodriguez, MD PhD
Alonso A Mateos Rodriguez, MD PhD, (m), Deputy coordinator, Regional Transplant Coordination Office, SUMMA (Medical Emergency Service Madrid). Mateos Rodriguez is a family physician with a long experience. He is active in research and well-known development expert especially with medical first aid in field of organ donation. He is a transplant coordinator of community of Madrid and so he participates in national and international program of organ transplantation. He is teaching at University Francisco de Vitoria and coordinates medical first responders’ trainings at the university.