How to introduce MED1stMR to your organisation
The incorporation of mixed reality (MR) training for medical first responders (MFRs) signifies a digital transformation within the organisation. Whether initiated as

Review Final Conference
On April 17th & 18th 2024, the final conference of MED1stMR was held in Ranst, Belgium.

Policy Maker Factsheet
Download the policy maker factsheet also targeting decsion makers in (medical) first responder organisations tempting to introduce mixed reality training to their

MED1stMR Final Conference
Meet the persons behind the project and learn about mixed reality training for medical first responders – the future European technologies and approaches are presented on April 17&18 2024

MED1stMR presentation at AWE in Vienna
MED1stMR, the mixed reality training solution for medical first responders, was presented at the AWE – Augmented World Expo – in Vienna this

Field Trial 3 in Östersund, SE
Going north for field trial 3 From October 16th to 20th, the 3rd MED1stMR field trial took place in Östersund, Sweden. Our

MED1stMR’s Green Manikin
Due to the haptic experience in the virtual environment, MED1stMR decided for a mixed reality (MR) as training approach to create a

2nd Field Trial & General Assembly in Heidelberg
The week from September 25th to September 29th was an intensive week for the MED1stMR project. The 2nd field trial took place

Meet us in reality
The MED1stMR final conference will take place on April 17th & 18th 2024 on premises of our partner Campus Vesta in Ranst,

Technology in MED1stMR
MED1stMR is both a scientific research project and a technology project in which six technical partners collaborate in an agile development structure

Field Trial 1 – Vienna, AT
Starting in July, emergency services across Europe will test the new Mixed Reality (MR) training system developed in the EU Horizon 2020

5th General Assembly in Madrid
On the 17th & 18th April 2023, the MED1stMR consortium gathered together for a General Assembly at the facilities of our partner

MED1stMR is an 18-partner Horizon2020 European research project aiming to develop a groundbreaking innovative mixed reality training solution for medical first responders

Final Conference
In 2024 the final conference of the project will provide you with the results of 3 years of analysis, research, technology development,

Advantages of Mixed Reality Training
In course of our social media campaign “18 days – 18 advantages of Mixed Reality Training” our 18 partners presented different aspects

Field Trials
MED1stMR develops a mixed reality training solution for medical first responders to better prepare for mass casualty incidents. By integrating a high-fidelity

Site Visit Zentrum am Berg
Within MED1stMR we aim to develop a mixed reality solution for medical first responders to train mass casualty incidents. This digital training

Equipment for the trainee in the MED1stMR system
Virtually simulated mass casualty incident training for medical first responders needs only a few tools: 1 Hand & Foot Sensors Easy-to-attach sensors

What is “Mixed Reality”?
Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are both technologies that allow users to immerse themselves in a computer-generated environment. However, they

Mass Casualty Incident Training
MED1stMR transforms current training for medical first responders (MFRs). MFRS will be better prepared for highly stressful real-life mass casualty incidents (MCIs)

Midterm Review – or how a consortium shows teamwork and dedication within a few hours
MED1stMR Midterm Review on January 11 & 12, 2023 – let’s start the second half or the project!

MED1stMR Field Trials
Find out more on the planned Field Trials all over Europe

4th General Assembly in Vienna
The 4th General Assembly (GA) of MED1stMR took place in Vienna, Austria on December 12th and 13th 2022. The two days marked the half-time of the project and therefore were packed with presentations, knowledge exchange and decisions within the multidisciplinary consortium.

Scientific Model
Every research project needs a scientific backbone – Learn more about the scientific model of MED1stMR: According to the EPME model, stress

Scenario editor to create virtual environments
MED1stMR is developing an innovative mixed reality solution and currently tests a scenario editor to create training scenarios

Project to Policy Seminar by the EC
The European Research Executive Agency hosted the project to policy seminar on the 30th June – 1st July 2022 in Brussels

3rd General Assembly Meeting in Greece
The 3rd MED1stMR General Assembly (GA) meeting took place from 14th to 15th June 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece

Mass casualty incidents – Challenges and training possibilities for medical first responders
Mass-casualty incidents (MCIs) are increasing on a global level – therefore, MED1stMR aims to better prepare medical first responders for their challenges

Poster Presentation at the Swiss Congress for Emergency Medicine
MED1stMR was presented at the Swiss congress for emergency medicine and digital health

1st International Workshop on “Tools for the First Responder of the future”
INGENIOUS hosted its 1st exercise and international workshop on “Tools for the First Responder of the Future” from 24th to 25th May 2022

MED1stMR at the NO-FEAR Workshop and Exercise
NO-FEAR conducted a workshop and exercise about “Training and Education in emergency and disaster medicine” and MED1stMR was presented

MED1stMR at the international conference CHI 2022
The CHI 2022 – The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems took place in New Orleans in May 2022. MED1stMR

MED1stMR at the CERIS DRS Cluster Conference 2022
MED1stMR was introduced at the CERIS DRS Cluster Conference 2022 in the new technology area “Augmented and virtual reality” on the 25th March.

Requirement insights – Mixed reality training for medical first responders
MED1stMR has completed several workshops in the previous months and gathered valuable insights into the wants and needs of the end users.

Requirement Workshops in Progress
MED1stMR conducted the first requirement workshops to identify the needs of the end users within the consortium for the future MR training.

General Assembly Meeting in Zurich
The second MED1stMR consortium meeting took place from 15th to 16th December 2021 in Zurich and representatives from partners participated,

MED1stMR Kick-Off Press Release
MED1stMR successfully started with the kick-off meeting in June 2021 and a press release about the project was delivered to the media.

Partner Intoduction – Zentrum am Berg
The ZaB (Zentrum am Berg) is an underground research faculty of the Montauniversitat Leoben and one of the 19 project partners in MED1stMR.

MED1stMR Kick-Off Meeting
The H2020 project MED1srMR held its kick-off meeting in June 2021 online together with all consortium members and the Project Officer.